In this article, I'm going to show you a quick and easy way to style the select dropdown. What are the properties we can use to do in CSS? It uses both CSS for restyling and JavaScript for configuring the UX of the menus. as a result, you know these are based option menu. The .select-css option keeps option elements from inheriting the bold font weight of the select button itself. To do so, you need to set css on your select to ‘remove border’, ‘default webkit’ and ‘mozilla styles’: Update 02.02.2018: As noted by Tom this now only works when the attribute multiple is set.. Have you ever wanted to set the background color of a selected OPTION element of a drop down ? Does anyone know how I can adjust the options as well? The selected value must appear in the select box. used given below code and design the CSS dropdown option and change the code if you want to style according to your need. In this article you can see some comparison of the most popular libraries. How to show all the options from a dropdown list with JavaScript? Modern CSS gives us a range of properties to achieve custom select styles that have a near-identical initial appearance for single, multiple, and disabled select elements across the top browsers. If you need a select dropdown with hundreds of options or multiple select, you can check some of the available libraries. The option to activate the state, corresponding to the eventkey in the Dropdown.item. And they don’t support much CSS either, so the designers and developers go for hacks. The native select HTML elements don’t tend to be very good looking. The CSS class is changing the width of the select field, but not the select field options. However, we can create a custom select dropdown (without the select tag) using CSS … This is a guide to Dropdown List in HTML. There isn’t too much stuff we can apply to it, just properties like color, background, font or border. Recommended Article. jquery ui select2 DropDown With Validation example,jquery ui select2 DropDown With Validation ,jquery ui select2 DropDown With Validation example bootstrap 4,JQuery UI select2 ...