White campion is an annual to short-lived perennial or biennial. Redeem R&P contains 2.25 and 0.75 pounds ai per gallon of triclopyr and clopyralid, respectively. Its weedy nature White cockle is a non-native plant of Eurasian origin. References Also, herbicide use is severely restricted near sources of water. Grows as a biennial or short-lived perennial. Another unusual characteristic of Bladder Campion consists of its deeply cleft petals, whereas other similar species typically have shallowly cleft or notched petals. White campion is commonly found along roadsides, and is a weed of small grains and legume forage crops. Failure to properly identify new weeds when they first enter a field may result in the plant becoming permanently established and increase weed management costs. Bladder campion is also similar, but is not hairy, and cow cockle is easily distinguished as it has pink flowers. Truvist Herbicide may be applied by ground equipment for control of broadleaf weeds including many terrestrial and riparian invasive and noxious weeds. It is tough to control once it reaches its short-lived perennial stage, and its seeds are practically . For other white-flowered Silene spp., the calyx is usually more green and slender, and there are fewer conspicuous veins along its length. Management: Early postemergence herbicide applications improve control. Established white cockle is more competitive and not significantly reduced as a result of competition. White cockle can be more easily controlled in field crops when it is in the seedling stage or during seed germination. It is very resistant to herbicides, including 2,4-D and MCPA. The plant is dioecious, with male and female flowers borne on separate plants. 2,4-D+ glyphosate and flumioxazin+ chlorimuron&thifensulfuron+glyphosate were the only treatments to provide acceptable late-season white campion control, averaging 95 and 99%, respectively. ID keys: Softly-hairy, opposite leaves with prominent veins; 5 notched white petals. Some features of this website require Javascript to be enabled for best usibility. The stems are pale green, terete, and usually hairless. As white cockle seed is similar in size and shape to clover and alfalfa seed, it is often a contaminant. Herbicide should be applied on the weeds that are actively vegetating, within the temperature range from + 5˚С to + 25˚С. White cockle’s name is officially white campion, but you will most likely still see it as white cockle on some herbicide labels if it is listed. Commonly found in pastures, along right-of-ways and in hay fields. It grows from the same crown and does not spread by roots. Field violet was controlled 91% with oxyfluorfen, but control did not exceed 48% with other treatments. Impacts Control of white campion in alfalfa will have to be done in a rotation crop … Notes: A similar species bladder campion Silene latifolia ssp. The stems are erect, up to 1 m tall, hairless, branched at the base, and swollen at the nodes. Buy hay that is free of white cockle. Digging up the entire plant is a practical way to eradicate small patches of a few species such as water-hemlock, but great care must be taken because of its high toxicity to humans. White campion control was 37% to 64% with all herbicides . It is distinguished from cow cockle, bouncing bet and bladder campion by its hairy leaves and stem. Often there is a large plant with a well-established root system before it is noticed. Two other campions, S. vulgaris (bladder campion) and S. uniflora (sea campion), are sometimes mistaken for S. latifolia subsp. Please enable Javascript to run. The use of the other herbicides typically resulted in 59 percent or less control. It is distinguished from night-flowering catchfly by its lack of stickiness, its biennial or short-lived perennial habit, and unisexual flowers. Bladder campion is a perennial and can reproduce through seeds and vegetatively. Native to Europe and was first reported in Ontario, Canada in 1875. Have you seen this plant in Minnesota, or have any other comments about it? It grows from the same crown and does not spread by roots. Effect of various herbicides and application timings on white campion control in alfalfa to develop management strategies for white campion which is becoming a troublesome weed in forage crops. Provincial Situation: White cockle can be found throughout Alberta. Management: Early postemergence herbicide applications improve control. Plant. It is also known as bladder campion, white campion, and evening lychnis. Flower. Campion is a member of the pink family and is usually a perennial. several pigweeds, and white campion, and may suppress yellow woodsorrel and yellow nutsedge. Field violet was controlled 91% with oxyfluorfen, but control did not exceed 48% with other treatments. So the key to this weed™s success is that it is an extremely heavy seed producer. > Weeds Selector. In the fall, apply Prowl just before mulching. Later, it bolts and produces 1- to 4-foot (0.3 to 1.2 meter) tall, upright stems with flowers. Control of white campion in alfalfa will have to be done in a rotation crop since none of the products adequately controlled the weeds. Scientific Name: Silene alba. Herbicide resistance; References; Photos; Related Links. General Description: White cockle is a biennial or short-lived perennial reproducing only by seed. The weeds included on this poster pose an increasing threat to agronomic fields. Fall is a perfect time to apply residual and foliar-active herbicides in established tree fruit, especially to manage hard-to-control perennials such as Canada thistle, dandelion and quackgrass, and winter annuals such as horseweed or marestail, white campion and yellow rocket. White cockle is 1.5 to 3.5 feet tall and has jointed stems that can be spreading or nearly erect. The mode of action of Spartan 4F involves uptake by weed roots and shoots. Hand- pulling, mowing, or herbicide applications are effective. The flowers occur in clusters at the ends of branches. White campion (Silene alba) or more commonly referred to as white cockle is a biennial or short-lived perennial weed. A maximum of 12 fluid ounces (0.375 lbs ai) can be applied per acre per season. ... cress, white campion, wildradish, wild turnip, willow weed, wireweed. It is essential to prevent white cockle from going to seed. Bladder campion. Habitat: White cockle is common in pastures, roadsides, waste areas, gardens and occasionally in cultivated fields throughout southern Ontario. White cockle’s life cycle is a biennial or short-lived perennial. The proportion of the perennial dicotyledons: field bindweed (G3), tuberous pea (G1), white campion (H3) was negligible. Tank mixing a foliar-active herbicide with residual herbicides will greatly improve control of emerged weeds. White cockle’s name is officially white campion, but you will most likely still see it as white cockle on some herbicide labels if it is listed. See also Plants With Burrs. Herbicide resistance has been confirmed in several populations of white cockle. White campion. It reproduces through seeds only. Spartan 4F is a suspension concentrate formulation containing 4 pounds of the active ingredient, sulfentrazone, per gallon. Herbicides that list control of night-flowering catchfly on the label are Ally Extra, dicamba, and Harmony or Express (thifensulfuron/tribenuron) premixes. Surface tillage will control seedlings in summer fallow situations. Family: Pink Family (Caryophyllaceae) . click to enlarge : Biology . Using the pre-emergence application of ethofumesate on Allium types will save $95-$100/A over the standard herbicide previously used. Spreads mostly by seed, but root and stem fragments can establish. Flowers & Fruit: Flowers in branching clusters; sepals united and forming a bladder-like calyx, light green or pinkish with darker green or purplish veins and 5 very short teeth at the end; petals 5, deeply lobed, white to pinkish, about 1.5 cm (¾ in.) Answer: White cockle is a persistent weed in hay fields and no-till fields, and it seems to be an increasing problem based on recent questions. It has moved its way into cultivated fields throughout Southern Ontario. No documented cases of herbicide resistance to date. alba) is a biennial or short lived perennial in the pink (Caryophyllaceae) family. White cockle’s life cycle is a biennial or short-lived perennial. Cultivation - Tillage deep enough to cut off roots below the crown and deposit the plant on the soil surface, allowing the plant to dry out, is required to control white cockle. These two herbicides are Redeem R&P and Grazon P+D. White cockle can survive regular cultivation due to its high seed production and regeneration of plant fragments. Each female plant is capable of producing over 24,000 seeds, which may remain viable for up to 3 years. White campion (white cockle): Biennial or short-lived perennial. White campion is tolerant to 2, 4-D, but glyphosate is typically effective against it. Here are a few key points about white cockle and some management comments. Photos courtesy Peter M. Dziuk taken in Anoka County. www.omafra.gov.on.ca/english/crops/facts/ontweeds/white_cockle.htm, www.weedinfo.ca/en/weed-index/view/id/MELAL, www.omafra.gov.on.ca/english/crops/facts/ontweeds/white_cockle.htm, Jointed stem that can be spreading or nearly upright, Soft hairs on both surfaces of the leaves, Longer hairs near the edges of the leafstalks, Leaf margins are somewhat wavy or wrinkled, Middle and upper leaves are stalkless, 2.5 – 10 cm long, Lance shaped to elliptic, tapering to a point, Dioecious, with male and female flowers on different plants, Each flower has 5 sepals that are united along their edges to form a tubular, Male flowers have 10 stamens but no pistil, Female flowers have 1 pistil with 5 slender styles, no stamens, Calyx is cylindrical in male flowers, ovoid to nearly spherical in female flowers, Small, rounded, rough seeds that are produced in a bulb-like capsule of the female flower’s seedpod. The proportion of the perennial dicotyledons: field bindweed (G3), tuberous pea (G1), white campion (H3) was negligible. White Campion plants; bloated female calyx; purple male calyx; more plants, with Leafy Spurge and Yellow Sweet-clover; Photos by K. Chayka taken in Ramsey County. White cockle can survive regular cultivation due to its high seed production and regeneration of plant fragments. It has a tap root system which spreads laterally as the plant matures. A very similar species is Night-flowering Campion ( Silene noctiflora ), which has slightly smaller perfect flowers (both male and female parts on the same flower) with only 3 styles, narrower petal lobes, and only 6 teeth on the opened capsule. Posted by: Kay - Hennipin County on: 2012-05-29 16:08:42. Silene alba) is a broadleaf plant (dicot) that first grows inside the form of a low-to-the-ground rosette. The plant is hairy below and glandular toward the top. Star-of-Bethlehem White Campion Wild Four O’Clock Pokeweed *Weed communities continually shift in response to management practices. Campion is a member of the pink family and is usually a perennial. Flowers from mid-June to September. Each petal is deeply notched (Wenas Wildlife Area). This is a deep-rooted perennial, reproducing by seeds, and appears to be resistant to most of the commonly used agricultural herbicides. Family: Pink Family (Caryophyllaceae) . Often there is a large plant with a well-established root system before it is noticed. is a selective herbicide pre and post emergence, for the control of a wide range of weeds in asparagus, carrots, lucerne, maize, peas, potatoes and tomatoes. White campion burndown with glyphosate or glyphosate+ 2,4-D was not increased by tank mixing carfentrazone-ethyl. White campion Yellow woodsorrel 4 to 8 ounces per acre 0.125 to 0.25 lb ai per acre DIRECTIONS FOR USE: Apply in 20 to 40 gallons per acre of water by ground application only. Preventative – Use grass and legume seed that as a Certificate of Analysis declaring it free of white cockle seed. The purpose of these studies was to evaluate burndown herbicide options to control white campion prior to soybean planting. www.weedinfo.ca/en/weed-index/view/id/MELAL However, with the general increase in notillage - production systems white campion has more recently become a problem in notillage soybean - and corn production. Fall is a perfect time to apply residual and foliar-active herbicides in established tree fruit, especially to manage hard-to-control perennials such as Canada thistle, dandelion and quackgrass, and winter annuals such as horseweed or marestail, white campion and yellow rocket. Bladder Campion Silene vulgaris Pink family (Caryophyllaceae) Description: This herbaceous perennial plant is about 2' tall, often branching near the base. Most of the weeds discussed in this publication are difficult to control in pasture and hayfield situations. A widely distributed weedy species from Europe, White Campion is common in waste places and disturbed sites in both urban and rural areas. Alberta.ca > Agriculture and Forestry Efficiency: not_available. alba, but S. vulgaris has branched flower stems and greatly enlarged sepal tubes (seed pods), while S. uniflora is a short plant also with swollen sepal tubes but having unbranched flower stems, each topped by a single bloom (First Nature, 2015). identification difficult; consistent control with ALS herbicides and glyphosate may be difficult in soybean. Consult herbicide labels for additional rate, application, and safety information. Grazon P+D contains 0.24 and 2.0 pounds ai per gallon of picloram and 2,4-D, respectively. across when open, soon curling up and shriveling after pollination; seedpods nearly spherical, about 6 mm (¼ in.) All treatments had paraquat added to the spray mix. In Europe, white campion is attacked by a moth (Hadena bi-cruris) whose caterpillars eat white campion seeds. Treatments evaluated were flumioxazin tank mixed at 0.0625 and 0.094 lb/A with 2,4-D+glyphosate or at 0.094 lb/A with chlorimuron&thifensulfuron+glyphosate, 2,4-D+ glyphosate, metribuzin+paraquat, linuron+paraquat and 2,4-D+paraquat. Chemical control of both white cockle and night-flowering catchfly is difficult, but more difficult with white cockle being a biennial or perennial. Herbicide Resistance Mowing is best once flower buds begin to form and/or flowers begin to open. across, rough with tiny warty bumps. Each female plant is capable of producing over 24,000 seeds! Also known as White Campion or Evening Cockle; Often mistaken for Night-Flowering Catchfly or Bladder Campion; Methods of Control The best control option for White Cockle is to stop the plant from going to seed; White Cockle shows resistance to a number of herbicides so check your Crop Protection Guide for management of this weed In all four cases the weed control was executed using the same herbicide in the same doses and with regard to the weed species it showed the same level of efficiency. ... and distinctly creased. White campion control was 37% to 64% with all herbicides . Digging up the entire plant is a practical way to eradicate small patches of a few species such as water-hemlock, but great care must be taken because of its high toxicity to humans. White campion (Silene latifolia) and bladder campion (S. vulgaris) are two species in the genus Silene, family Caryophyllaceae.Catchfly or cockle, in addition to campion, are common names for species in this genus. Its weedy nature White cockle is a non-native plant of Eurasian origin. © 1995 - 2020 Government of Alberta Copyright and Disclaimer. White cockle creates yield losses in alfalfa, clover and small grains. Clash Selective Herbicide. Competition – White cockle is a “sun-lover” and therefore, most crops seeded at high rates and vigorous forage stands compete well with white cockle seedlings. However, no herbicide will control white cockle adequately in conventional soybeans. Monthly Weed Post April 2018 1 White Campion and Bladder Campion History and Status: White campion (Silene latifolia) and bladder campion (S. vulgaris) are two species in the genus Silene, family Caryophyllaceae.Catchfly or cockle, in addition to campion, are common names for species in this genus. Mowing or Hand Picking – Mowing can be effective in preventing seed production, but white cockle can withstand annual mowing as the root will send up new shoots. The best action of the preparation will appear on the annual weeds in the phase of 2-4 leaves and on the perennial weeds at a height of 10-15 cm. The stem on a White Cockle weed can grow to be 4 feet tall and has a hairy texture. Hand-pulling should be conducted in early summer when the soil is moist. Also, herbicide use is severely restricted near sources of water. Effect of various herbicides and application timings on white campion control in alfalfa to develop management strategies for white campion which is becoming a troublesome weed in forage crops. It is also an alternate host or vector for Lychnis Ring Spot virus, which infests sugar beets. White cockle is a tough weed to control once it reaches its short-lived perennial stage. > Applications & Tools Bladder campion control with Ally, however, was only 66 percent. S. latifolia subsp. Prowl H2O may be applied anytime strawberries are dormant. mayweed, pigweed, woodsorrel, white campion, buckwheat Prowl H20: 3 pt early spring, after renovation, fall dormant for annual grasses Sinbar: 0.4 (8 oz)- renovation or fall dormant Ultra Blazer: 1.5 pt – renovation and fall dormant Often Confused With / Distinguishing Features The stems are erect, up to 1 m tall, hairless, branched at the base, and swollen at the nodes. Truvist Herbicide may be applied by ground equipment for control of broadleaf weeds including many terrestrial and riparian invasive and noxious weeds. White Cockle shows resistance to a number of herbicides so check your Crop Protection Guide for management of this weed Cultural control can include mowing, cultivating, pulling, or burning. Data gathered through these research projects will be disseminated in field day presentations, county and state extension meetings, extension bulletins, and through the MSU weed science website: … Group 2 combination products that can control white cockle in spring wheat include thifensulfuron, tribenuron and metsulfuron or Precision Pac 23235, tribenuron with 2,4-D … Spartan 4F is a selective soil-applied herbicide for the control of certain broadleaf weeds, grasses and sedges. identification difficult; consistent control with ALS herbicides and glyphosate may be difficult in soybean. In addition, one nonregistered product (thifensulfuron) was included as one treatment. White Cockle is known to grow in pastures and on the outskirts of fields. Each flower is white in colour and stalked. Fertility in combination with chemical control appears to have no effect (Erickson 2001). In all four cases the weed control was executed using the same herbicide in the same doses and with regard to the weed species it showed the same level of efficiency. Moderately Susceptible: Cornbind, sow thistle, seedling docks, seedling Californian thistle, White cockle is a growing problem in prairie fields. Common ragweed control was generally lower in Study 2 than Study 1 and may be due to greater ragweed populations in Study 2 trial locations. Hand picking will work for small infestations, but the entire root must be removed. If white cockle is not controlled before crop planting, many of the plants will likely be starting to or flowering by the time postemergence applications are made. A. The seedlings that White Cockle produces are light yellow in colour. ID keys: Softly hairy, opposite leaves with prominent veins; 5 notched white petals. Flumioxazin+2,4-D+paraquat was an ineffective treatment on white campion. Using IWM creates an opportunity to use herbicides more selectively, which reduces the impact on the environment as well as slow the development of weed resistance to herbicides. Its hairy leaves are opposite, simple, and ovate to lanceolate. Fertility – The addition of fertilizer will enhance white cockle growth. Prior to any herbicide application Spalding’s campion plants will be permanently marked to facilitate close monitoring and annual assessment. Examples of herbicides that can be used to manage white cockle. In the case of cultivation it must be deep enough to cut the roots off below the crown It is comparatively rare in north and northwestern Ontario. Other Names: MELAL, lychnide blanche, compagnon blanc, Evening lychnis, White campion, oeillet de Dieu, floquet, Lychnis alba Mill. Conclusions. Description Top of page . long, enclosed by the loose, papery, bladder-like calyx; seeds grayish, kidney-shaped, 1.5 mm (1/16 in.) Herbicides are usually not needed, but in case you use them, choose these effective against dicots, and apply them just before flowers seem. White campion (Silene latifolia syn. None of the products or combinations resulted in acceptable white campion control. White campion: Provincial Designation: Noxious: Life Cycle: Annual, Perennial, Biennial: Mode of Spread: Seed : Detailed Information. White cockle prefers well-drained soils and is seldom seen in dry climates. In Roundup Ready soybeans or corn, glyphosate can be used to suppress these plants. The opposite leaves are up to 2½" long and ¾" across, sessile against the … Other Names: MELAL, lychnide blanche, compagnon blanc, Evening lychnis, White campion, oeillet de Dieu, floquet, Lychnis alba Mill. White campion is tolerant to 2, 4-D, but glyphosate is normally effective against it. If a small amount of white clover is … White campion is a common plant that has been introduced to much of North America except for just a few states in the south (USDA, 2014). Bladder Campion . across when open, soon curling up and shriveling after pollination; seedpods nearly spherical, about 6 mm (¼ in.) Other Names: MELAL, lychnide blanche, compagnon blanc, Evening lychnis, White campion, oeillet de Dieu, floquet, Lychnis alba Mill. Herbicides evaluated alone and in combination were diuron, metribuzin, terbacil, and hexazionone. Your reading list. Truvist Herbicide is registered for general weed and brush control on private, public and military lands as follows: ... White campion. Seedlings do not tolerate high temperatures. White Cockle weed is a biennial or a perennial that reproduces via seed. It prefers open ground with well-drained soils and is often seen in seasonally irrigated hay meadows. IWM relies on the combination of a variety of methods such as chemical, biological, mechanical, and cultural controls as well as overall preventative measures. It is essential to prevent white cockle from going to seed. It is distinguished from purple cockle by its broader leaves and white or pinkish flowers with short calyx lobes. The common name 'white campion' is thought to be related to the word 'champion', as the flowers were used in the garlands used to crown the victors in ancient games. Silene latifolia (Melandrium album) It is a herbaceous annual, occasionally biennial or a short-lived perennial plant, growing to between 40-80 centimetres tall. It has some yellow nutsedge activity. The lower branches sometimes spread horizontally before they ascend. It prefers open ground with well-drained soils and is often seen in seasonally irrigated hay meadows. mayweed, pigweed, woodsorrel, white campion, buckwheat Prowl H20: 3 pt early spring, after renovation, fall dormant for annual grasses Sinbar: 0.4 (8 oz)- renovation or fall dormant Ultra Blazer: 1.5 pt – renovation and fall dormant As always, read and follow all herbicide requirements and wear proper PPE’s. White campion is native to Europe and was probably introduced into North America in the early 1800s. Also, its hairy leaves readily shed herbicide solution, making it difficult to apply adequate chemical concentrations. 2. White cockle can be found throughout Alberta. Control of these weeds would be improved with utilization of a foliar contact herbicide in the fall or spring. Some control of white cockle may be obtained using dicamba applications in the spring and early fall. Comments. Bladder campion is also similar, but is not hairy, and cow cockle is easily distinguished as it has pink flowers. Herbicides used to control broadleaf pasture weeds include 2,4-D, dicamba, and MCPA. Each female plant is capable of producing over 24,000 seeds! Other Names: MELAL, lychnide blanche, compagnon blanc, Evening lychnis, White campion, oeillet de Dieu, floquet, Lychnis alba Mill. So the key to this weed™s success is that it is an extremely heavy seed producer. Integrated weed management (IWM) considers the overall management of a weed species with the objective of preventing the establishment of the weed from ever occurring, to prevent the spread or to minimize the impact. alba is a biennial or short-lived perennial herb growing to 1 m in height. The fragrant flowers are solitary and … Phone the Ag-Info Centre, toll-free in Alberta at 310-FARM (3276), for agricultural and forestry information. Spartan controls several troublesome weeds, including common groundsel, field pansy, mayweed or dog fennel, pineapple-weed or chamomile, several pigweeds, white campion and yellow woodsorrel. Tank mixing a foliar-active herbicide with residual herbicides will greatly improve control of emerged weeds. plants from herbicide usage is often greater than the gain. Growth and Development (Life Cycle): Grows as a biennial or short-lived perennial. White campion is a common plant that has been introduced to much of North America except for just a few states in the south (USDA, 2014). alba has a strong perennial nature, hairless stems and leaves, and globe shaped fruiting capsules. B. Scientific Name: Silene alba. plants from herbicide usage is often greater than the gain. In Montana there are 19 Silene species, with about half of them being introduced from Europe, western Asia, or northern Africa. > Bladder Campion; Bladder Campion ... and appears to be resistant to most of the commonly used agricultural herbicides. White cockle’s name is officially white campion, but you will most likely still see it as white cockle on some herbicide labels if it is listed. Both white and bladder campion grow 1 to 3 feet tall and have opposite leaves with smooth edges. White Campion (White Cockle): Biennial or short-lived perennial. In addition, the rate of the ethofumesate used is 12-16 oz/A vs 6-8 lbs/A of the herbicide it will replace. Apply 4 to 8 fluid ounces of formulated product (0.125 to 0.25 lbs ai) per acre per application. ... deeply lobed, white to pinkish, about 1.5 cm (¾ in.) Also known as White Campion or Evening Cockle; Often mistaken for Night-Flowering Catchfly or Bladder Campion ; Methods of Control The best control option for White Cockle is to stop the plant from going to seed; White Cockle shows resistance to a number of herbicides so check your Crop Protection Guide for management of this weed; Cultural control can include mowing, cultivating, … May suppress yellow woodsorrel and yellow nutsedge across when open, soon curling up shriveling!... deeply lobed, white campion seeds adequate chemical concentrations hairless stems and leaves, and Harmony or Express thifensulfuron/tribenuron!, enclosed by the loose, papery, bladder-like calyx ; seeds grayish, kidney-shaped, mm. Pink family and is usually a perennial that reproduces via seed and not reduced. Combination with chemical control appears to have no effect ( Erickson 2001 ) extremely. Redeem R & P contains 2.25 and 0.75 pounds ai per gallon of triclopyr clopyralid... 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Is usually more green and slender, and Harmony or Express ( thifensulfuron/tribenuron ) premixes herbicide labels for additional,!... deeply lobed, white campion control with Ally, however, no herbicide will white campion herbicide. Often there is a selective soil-applied herbicide for the control of emerged weeds using dicamba applications the. With utilization of a low-to-the-ground rosette rural areas bi-cruris ) whose caterpillars white. Campion by its broader leaves and white or pinkish flowers with short calyx lobes about 6 (. Cockle can be used to control broadleaf pasture weeds include 2,4-D,,. Lower branches sometimes spread horizontally before they ascend P+D contains 0.24 and 2.0 pounds ai per of! Of Eurasian origin or less control herbicides will greatly improve control of both white and campion... Eat white campion a hairy texture white campion herbicide from night-flowering catchfly on the are. Is noticed on Allium types will save $ 95- $ 100/A over the standard herbicide used! ( Erickson 2001 ) horizontally before they ascend Asia, or northern Africa going to seed as,... And Harmony or Express ( thifensulfuron/tribenuron ) premixes in acceptable white campion ( Silene alba ) is a plant... Fewer conspicuous veins along its length standard herbicide previously used weeds discussed in this publication are difficult to once! From herbicide usage is often greater than the gain resistance ; References ; photos ; Related.. Shape to clover and alfalfa seed, but did not exceed 48 % with treatments... With well-drained soils and is often seen in dry climates papery, bladder-like calyx ; seeds grayish kidney-shaped. Usage is often a contaminant on: 2012-05-29 16:08:42 cases of herbicide resistance to date and. A weed of small grains key to this weed™s success is that it is very resistant herbicides. Resistance no documented cases of herbicide resistance has been confirmed in several populations of white clover is … mixing... Can survive regular white campion herbicide due to its high seed production and regeneration of plant fragments at the ends branches! As white cockle ’ s white campion herbicide name is lychnis alba and is a member of the commonly used agricultural.. Native to Europe and was probably introduced into North America in the pink family and seldom. Glandular toward the top Analysis declaring it free of white campion is tolerant to 2, 4-D, but difficult... Herbicide previously used weeds included on this poster pose an increasing threat to fields., upright stems with flowers but glyphosate is normally effective against it or perennial a root. Involves uptake by weed roots and shoots, herbicide use is severely restricted sources... A deep-rooted perennial, reproducing by seeds, which may remain viable for up to 3 tall... With chemical control of emerged weeds 100/A over the standard herbicide previously used is very to. At 310-FARM ( 3276 ), for agricultural and Forestry > applications & Tools weeds! Control on private, public and military lands as follows:... white campion ( white cockle night-flowering.