Since the cases are created by many different attributes, each one of them would need to be aware of the presence of a SetCultureAttribute and act on it. This avoids duplicate tests and longer executions. good idea to bring CurrentCulture into this at all. NUnit will construct it using either the default constructor or - if arguments are provided - the appropriate constructor for those arguments. Asking that the developer use invariant culture does not change the tests in any way and also ensures that tests run the same way on all machines. I like IApplyToDiscovery. I think that this implicitly re-raises the issue (which I cannot find) of a command line option to set the culture for all the tests currently being run, so that the same test suite can be run for multiple cultures without modifying the test suite. Notka: NUnit konwertuje typy za pomocą metody Convert.ChangeType. @CharliePoole It fails on assertion, because I expect the string date in DD.MM.YYYY format and converter interpretes it as MM.DD.YYYY, It fails on assertion, because I expect the string date in DD.MM.YYYY format and converter interpretes it as MM.DD.YYYY, I refuse to specify date formats at all unless I can put the year first, then the month, then the day. Copyright © 2020 Ivan Krivyakov. There's no threading issue here, since this is not run at execution time. As I read the thread, Rob and I came out against the idea, you and Chris for it. Yes - I think is should be fixed for @morgen2009's case when the culture is explicitly set. TestCaseData allows you to set as many arguments for the test as you want and allows you to have spaces in your test name. privacy statement. There may have been discussion somewhere, without creating an issue. To be sure, completing so many issues would mean thinking in terms of how NUnit now works and fitting our changes into that framework. Converting string into DateTime the TestCase, Values attributes use invariant culture System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture., The success of NUnit has been made possible through the hard work of our many contributors and team members. That doesn't put me in agreement with you. NUnit TestRunner will pick a string array from GetEnumerator method and pass one by one into the test method. @jnm2 That would mean very big changes unless we added explicit knowledge of those attributes at load-time. I would vote to close this. TestCaseSource "just" for converting seems for me a bit overhead, I would prefer to have test parameter values closer to the test method header. Below is the example. I can see the logic of your view. TestCase attribute and ValuesAttribute do a special conversion from string to DateTime when needed, because it's not possible to specify a DateTime value to an attribute. Another idea: define an interface which, if implemented, causes a method of the attribute to be called at the time the test is being loaded. At that point, the SetCulture attribute sets the current culture of the execution thread. When we write tests – unit, integration, UI, etc. The problem here is that NUnit uses various attributes at different points in the life cycle of the test. We can't use various threads because until the test is constructed, we don't know how it is supposed to be run. (, Thought there must be something else too it - that's irritating! As far as I am concerned, the culture that is set on the test should only change the behaviour of the test code itself. Your email address will not be published. either invariant *or* explicitly set by the user - I don't think it's a Is this not something of an implementation detail? Now let’s change unit tests to use a test case source to provide testing cases for the same method, this way we can leave a single test and just add different values as parameters. When we write tests – unit, integration, UI, etc. to your account. If we're going to write some unit tests, it's easiest to have something we want to test. NUnit itself implements the testing frameworks and its contracts. ***> wrote: The IApplyToTest interface is used to set a property on the test, which indicates the culture used for reporting purposes. These test method are dependent on each other. -> The fix is probably to have NUnit use this constructor for CultureInfo when applying a SetCulture attribute. In mos… These options are a nice gateway to property-based testing as well. I'm not sure what you mean. But of course, it's just an example you created to illustrate the problem. Perhaps I moved it to backlog too soon. I'd suggest the culture used is . Should IApplyToDiscovery be IApplyToTestCreation? To use it as a Mock, you could do something like this However, this reminds me of a very similar thread in which we trade places. I can't find such an issue - or even remember one. Adding Thank everyone for quick response. . [In this example, it would do the same thing that it does at execution time, but that might not be the case for every attribute.]. For example, in the above case, we fixed the age of employee as 60. Modified comparisons to pass the Turkey test. lot of work to make the change - it's just not worth it. What is wrong with NUnit using invariant culture to parse the TestCase? Also, the hierarchy is not helpful here, since all tests are constructed before any tests are run. Sign up for a free GitHub account to open an issue and contact its maintainers and the community. PM> Now we have to create a Moles file on the mscorlib assembly (This is the one DateTime sits in). Rob Prouse: It should have the following characteristics: It may be a field, a non-indexed property or a method taking no arguments. That would be a general solution for many cases and is consistent with the framework architecture. They are read by humans and humans prefer their local language :) Any way, the solution should be clear and consistent. Are there other cases where that's not a valid solution? Sometimes we need to execute test methods in a particular order. SetCultureAttribute could set IMethodTestSettings.CultureInfo and TestCaseAttribute.BuildFrom could read it when converting strings to dates. Another possibility, which might be better from a backward compatibility point of view is that we give the TestCase and Values attributes optional Culture properties that will be used when converting from a string. @jnm2 I'd like to hear more about your feeling of hitting a ceiling. The IApplyToContext interface is used to set the culture of the thread being used to run the test when execution starts. at the beginning of a test has solved many similar issues for me. we often need to assert DateTimeobjects. Order of Execution. SendExpiryNotifications (new DateTime (2015, 4, 4, 14, 0, 0, DateTimeKind. It would only apply if somebody used SetCulture on a parameterized method and actually expected the set culture to be ignored at load time and not used till run time. Modified code below. I prefer the latter. [TestCase("2000-01-01")] public void Foo(DateTime? If I have a test case to test this method with 2 integers 3 and 4, the test would be called Multiply_3_And_4_Should_Be_12. That wouldn't eliminate this issue, of course, which applies to situations where the user wants to set the culture on an individual test case. Both attributes apply to the test method itself. @morgen2009 Are you sure your tests fail? <, TestCase and Values do not correctly convert DateTime string in current culture, CanConvertStringToDateTimeInCurrentCulture. NUnit provides a feature called Parameterized Tests. We have 200+ outstanding issues, many quite important. If it results in too much code duplication, you could always call a third private method. My comments often tend toward pointing out how NUnit works right now, not because I think it's perfect, but only because it is what it is. You said you could see the logic of either side and you would do it if it wasn't a lot of work. but I can see the method which converts the TestCaseAttribute parameters is also passed the parent suite Test. This replaces the [Test] attribute we used before, and provides input data to pass to the test method via parameters: If you do override ToString(), to preclude NUnit from skipping test cases it considers duplicates then you need to ensure the override of ToString() returns unique values for each object, or use the separate id parameter technique mentioned earlier. As an immediate fix, how do you fell about specifying the culture on each test case? Please note I’ve also added two more test cases to check edge cases of sum total being equal to 0 and 100. Unfortunately is written in C, and so I couldn’t just monkey-patch out the static method. That's not consensus. That's something we could do rather quickly even if it isn't the full answer. How to run Nunit selected test cases through command line: Udhaya Kumar: 9/30/13 5:58 AM: Hi All, This will be more helpful to me if any idea to run Nunit selected test cases through command line. Constructing Test Cases. FakeOrder was passed into the Purchase class to satisfy the requirements of the constructor. They would have to anticipate that what the SetCulture attribute means and what it is going to do at the time the test is run. Reply to this email directly, view it on GitHub could be used to set the culture when the test is being loaded. Assert DateTime the Right Way MSTest NUnit C# Code. Again, I saw your, Chris' and my support for the idea. In the example code above, all the user is effectively testing is how NUnit converts dates. For other types supported by. As well repeating the same code in each constructor. But that's a different story. We can see the output below: The [Pairwise] attribute works similarly to the [Combinatorial] attribute, but rather than executing every input against each other, it reduces the test cases to only those that actually test a unique combination. I can understand the date) { } If you compare your expected DateTime with the real one, they usually won’t be equal because of the seconds, milliseconds, etc. Or is it just a matter of being able to use the format you are familiar with? When the time comes to think about the next release, I want to be 100% focused on that. Thanks. You're not using the FakeOrder in any shape or form during the assert. As far as I am concerned, the attributes that feed the test are NUnit code and should be invariant. Testing this method is problematic because the program depends on DateTime.Now, a method that depends on the computer's clock, an environment-dependent, non-deterministic method. The test framework will call the test method one test case at a time with all the test case’s parameter values. It would mean big changes which I'd be in favor of. It's very hard to figure out who is where on an issue in that case, so I can understand how anyone could get confused. @CharliePoole Gotcha. This would allow CurrentCulture to be used for all test where culture mattered, and CurrentCulture would be the culture set on the command line. If we made SetCultureAttribute implement IApplyToTest instead of IApplyToContext - would it be possible to ensure the attribute is evaluated in time, for the culture to be set on the parent, and then retrieved as the child tests are being built? ", While "How could we implement this" is interesting, I'm still at "Should we? Sign in I'm going to use the super-trivial and clichéd \"calculator\", shown below:The Add method takes two numbers, adds them together and returns the result.We'll start by creating our first xUnit test for this class. One simple way to deal with this at a user level is to pass a string argument and convert to a culture-dependent value within the test itself. we often need to assert DateTime objects. I'm also inclined to think that backward compatibility is not a big problem in this case. Requiring invariant for the data arguments is clear and consistent. Your example can easily be fixed if you merely change the data to what NUnit expects in the first place. implicitly converting the string to a DateTime - ignoring NUnit's own Have a question about this project? Get code examples like "how to pass object as test case in nunit c#" instantly right from your google search results with the Grepper Chrome Extension. Any attributes that modify the test case run. As above, I'm less of a fan of using current culture for anything - now you mention it, backwards compatibility is another good reason not to do that. I ran into this in a previous PR. This is more code, but it works. Furthermore, the DateTime.Now is a static property so a stub type can't be used here. @ChrisMaddock @jnm2 While "How could we implement this" is interesting, I'm still at "Should we? Because of that we need a better way to assert DateTimes with some delta. Successfully merging a pull request may close this issue. So, not a big issue IMO. That also has the advantage of making the tests clearer. nUnit test cases with dates. Otherwise, it should continue to use Invariant culture. With NUnit 2.5.1, the individual cases are not sorted, but are executed in the order in which NUnit … parameter instead of having to use TestCaseSource. As you see above, we provide some values in InlineData and xUnit will create two tests and every time populates the test case arguments with what we’ve passed into InlineData. That's why I was envisioning an IMethodTestSettings because at the point where BuildFrom is called, the method-level test instance has not been instantiated yet. The solution is to supply test data in runtime, using [ValueSource] attribute. For that, NUnit provides the Order attribute. You can think of them like rows in a table containing values for each of the test’s parameters. We could use the current culture as @morgen2009 suggests. The NUnit Project is a member of the .NET Foundation.NUnit is run by the core team, Rob Prouse, Charlie Poole, Terje Sandstrom, Chris Maddock, Joseph Musser and Mikkel Nylander Bundgaard.The .NET Foundation will provide guidance and support to help ensure the future of the project.. @jnm2 I wrote that immediately after the line that states my preference for the opposite. A third interface (IApplyToDiscovery?) Tôi thấy TestCasetính năng này trong NUnit khá hữu ích nhÆ° một cách nhanh chóng để chỉ định các tham số kiểm tra mà không cần một phÆ°Æ¡ng thức riêng cho mỗi thá»­ nghiệm. If we focus on how we wish we had done it, there will be a great many more that are "impossible" to do. I spend almost no time thinking about those flaws most of the time because there is too much to do. and also ensures that tests run the same way on all machines. Is this not something of an implementation detail? confusion of defining a test to be de-DE, and then finding part of that The TestCase Attribute. But that leaves a lot of work we can accomplish. If set to a non-empty string, then Ignore is assumed to be true. The method must, of course take a single argument of the same type for this to work. Alternatively, if the command line option were specified, then that culture would be automatically used instead of the InvariantCulture wherever appropriate. CultureInfo.CurrentCulture = new CultureInfo("de-DE", false) The sourceName, represents the name of the source that will provide the arguments. Since we can't actually instantiate the test until BuildFrom is finished, it would be cool if BuildFrom was passed some common currency such as IMethodTestSettings in addition to IMethodInfo. Alternatively, you could use a TestCaseSource attribute on a method that yields DateTimes constructed in any way you like. TestCase attribute and ValuesAttribute do a special conversion from string to DateTime when needed, because it's not possible to specify a DateTime value to an attribute. If it is a single value type - like numerics or DateTime - it is used directly as the sole argument to the method. IMO we have a lot of power in the existing design along with a few flaws I would love to fix in some future major release. In order to learn how to write good test cases, we must first understand what is a test case and why do we need it. Well, I can see both sides. I'm also in favor of parsing them invariantly unless there is a SetCulture attribute and then using the given culture. By clicking “Sign up for GitHub”, you agree to our terms of service and As far as I am concerned, the attributes that feed the test are NUnit code For different ages we have to write different test cases. But by using the TestCase parameters we can use same test method for different ages. has a certain logic, since the cases and the SetCulture attribute are so In the above example, FakeOrder is used as a stub. So NUnit.TestAdapter exists for that purposes. Testing software is always a real challenges for developers and testers, because many types of test cases exists and also come in so many different shapes and sizes. @jnm2 - just looking at that section of the TestBuilder you linked to - I wonder if the child tests need to be created before the ParameterizedMethodSuite, or if that could be created first, and passed down to BuildFrom so the culture information is available. The following example tests that when we p… Whichever is better for the test case. Utc)); Making the clock a service. Charlie, On Fri, Jan 27, 2017 at 12:25 PM, Chris Maddock ***@***. Personally, adding this ability adds unneeded complexity to our code and will end up confusing as many people as it satisfies. In your case, the TestCase, Test and Values attributes are used to create the test. Writing a test case is always an important part of software testing. Có Maybe a notice on the nunit-discuss list with a specified time to respond? In xUnit, the most basic test method is a public parameterless method decorated with the [Fact] attribute. The first of these is the attribute. Whether typed or handwritten. So you could then use... Hmmm... that may be the solution. @nunit/core-team @nunit/framework-team please chime in with your thoughts. I can't imagine anyone would expect that, although they may have discovered it works that way and compensated for it. This is when the arguments are accessed, so this is when the DateTime would be parsed. var secondDate = new DateTime (2000, 6, day, hour, 0, 0); TimeSpan actual = Calculator .SubtractDates (firstDate, secondDate); Assert .That (actual.Hours, Is .EqualTo (expectedHours)); } TestCase is limited in that the constructor will accept only constant, typeof, or array creation expressions. To discover or execute test cases, VSTest would call the test adapters based on your project configuration. What breaks if the culture is initially stored on the test, before being copied over to the execution context? We’ll occasionally send you account related emails. If you compare your expected DateTime with the real one, they usually won’t be equal because of the seconds, milliseconds, etc. Should IMethodTestSettings include an IMethodInfo property and be used instead of current IMethodInfo parameters? In the case of this example, the SetCulture attribute would no longer be needed. I'd suggest the culture used is either invariant or explicitly set by the user, This would be great, if would be possible (for example by specifying test assembly culture), ... ignoring NUnit's own culture definition here seems inconsistent, For me the unit tests like contract specification. @jnm2 I'm not sure what you saw me supporting. Required fields are marked *. You are receiving this because you were mentioned. Nunit within datetime. By using a string argument but making the test parameter a DateTime, you're forcing the conversion to take place at the earliest stage, when the test is created. This seems like a rather ugly solution! I know I've been wrong in the past when I thought some change would not have an impact on many people. If we could build it first, then the property would be accessible at the point where we are building the tests. 3053 - Conversion from TestCase string parameter to DateTimeOffset, No, for me this is just one use case "date/time in familar format". I don't like [TestCase("12.10.1942", Culture="de-DE")] because it's pure noise for multiple test cases. At a later stage - in the case of a gui, it could be much later - the test is executed. By implementing IApplyToDiscovery.Apply(IMethodTestSettings) or similar, SetCultureAttribute could modify IMethodTestSettings.CultureInfo. nUnit has a great feature of running multiple similar test cases via data-driven approach: However, that does not work with dates, since DateTime is not a primitive type and cannot be used in an attribute. I expect you, as my teammate, to make sure you see the logic of my view too. I expect that when I change the TestExecutionContext.CurrentCulture using SetCultureAttribute for test / test fixture, the converter should use the new culture info. Especially as NUnit is already implicitly converting the string to a DateTime - ignoring NUnit's own culture definition here seems inconsistent. I wouldn't do it, however, if it required a September 7, 2014 .NET. The discovery/loading/construction of tests always takes place on the same thread. How to run Nunit selected test cases through command line Showing 1-14 of 14 messages. But the more I think about it, the less obvious the decision between the two seems. (That is why NUnit/xUnit/MSTest all ask you to install a test adapter NuGet package to your unit testing projects). It's basically equivalent to setting the culture at the assembly level, which is already supported. 'Invariant-or-follow-SetCulture' as well as 'invariant-only' allows the tests to run on any machine no matter the culture settings of the machine. Thanks in … Currently, this uses the Invariant culture. This allows tests to run on any machine no matter the culture. NUnit TestCase Arguments / Parameters. So the set culture should appear as a property of the parameterized method suite. If we do change - then it may cause issues for anyone who's previously encountered this problem and just worked around it - but my thoughts are that 'fixing' this would be a 'less-surprising' approach. Powered by WordPress and Stargazer. NUnit is Open Source software and NUnit 3.0 is released under the MIT license. However, as I already explained, at the time we are doing the conversion, the culture has not yet been changed to match the SetCulture attribute. If users really want to convert strings to dates using a culture, they can do it themselves in a TestCaseSource. I haven't looked at any other ITestBuilders to see if it would affect anything else. For example if you want to compare: 2014.10.10 20:20:19 and 2014.10.10 20:20:20 These DateTimes are almost equal to a 1-second difference. Especially as NUnit is already My guess is that we might find a dozen or so that are blocked by the basic design within which we are working. I've been noticing us hitting a ceiling with various aspects of the current system in recent issues and ever since one of my first PRs. This has been working well for me until I recently come across TestCaseData from NUnit. Was this related to my point Charlie? In some other cases, however, it might be. I said there are some limitation on what we can pass in InlineDataattribute, look what happens when we try to pass a new instance of some object: We can pass this kind of data to our theory with Cl… Specifies the reason for ignoring this test case. This is a simplest form of testing our theory with data, but it has its drawbacks, which is we don’t have much flexibility, let’s see how it works first. These provide two mechanisms that allow you to easily run the same test with multiple input data. . This sequence is followed at every level: assembly, class and method. Already on GitHub? TestCase arguments are used when we have to use same test case with different data. We could also change it to use the system culture, but that would not help either, since the culture you are trying to use may not be the system culture. close together in the source. @ChrisMaddock I was asking the question because it seems to me we should have some standard approach when we are about to make a change that could impact some people. You can specify the date as a constant string in the TestCase attribute and then specify the type as DateTime in the method signature. ", Sorry - I noticed I hadn't answered that question, but thought the conversation had moved on further. I haven't investigated much at all - but I can see the method which converts the TestCaseAttribute parameters is also passed the parent suite Test. Which is better during test creation- actually setting the thread's culture, or passing in the correct CultureInfo to DateTime.Parse? NUnit TestCase Execution Order. As far as I am concerned, the attributes that feed the test are NUnit code and should be invariant. I saw again the TestCaseAttribute and ValuesAttribute classes. I'm good with either decision. I found a simple way of doing this that involved effectively wrapping the date class with a mock, but passing through calls to the constructor to the real class (and returning real instances). . Letting a SetCulture change which culture is used for data arguments also NUnit uses the parameters to differentiate individual test cases. . Perhaps what we should do is collect all such issues now so that we can review their disparate needs when we design the v4 API in the distant future. We should support invariant culture for date strings and nothing else. In NUnit 2.5, individual test cases are sorted alphabetically and executed in that order. Is there anything similar in MSTest? I don't understand the point of this? and also ensures that tests run the same way on all machines. It makes a significant difference to how this might be remedied. The first set of attributes, TestCase and TestCaseSource, define complete test cases. Users passing in strings and us converting them to dates is a convenience that NUnit provides because the values in test case attributes must be const. This order has never mattered before, because the property is not used for anything except being reported in the test result. test actually uses Invariant culture. However, the framework’s built-in methods not always can help us. Another problem we have in these long-running threads is that we talk about multiple proposals that change over time. The text was updated successfully, but these errors were encountered: It seems to dependent on the user settings, especially if the user has overridden some locale settings. I can understand the confusion of defining a test to be de-DE, and then finding part of that test actually uses Invariant culture. I find the TestCase feature in NUnit quite useful as a quick way to specify test parameters without needing a separate method for each test. culture definition here seems inconsistent. I'd also prefer to avoid doing anything based on current culture - we've been bit before by different cultures on different machines - sounds like we allowed this inside the test building logic, it could take a bit of untangling. ... [nunit-discuss] TestCase and ExpectedException in nunit v3. However, the framework’s built-in methods not always can help us. What do you think about? Przepis jest następujący – Atrybutowi metody TestCase przypisujemy kolejno wartości, które są odwzorowaniem parametrów naszego testu. This framework is very easy to work with and has user friendly attributes for working. IApplyToDiscovery is the nicest idea suggested so far imo. IApplyToDiscovery.Apply should probably receive IMethodInfo and the parent suite too? nUnit has a great feature of running multiple similar test cases via data-driven approach: [TestCase ("", "")] [TestCase ("q", "q")] [TestCase ("xyz", "zyx")] public void TestStringReverse (string s, string expectedResult) { var result = Reverse (s); Assert.AreEqual (expectedResult, result); } However, that does not work with dates, since DateTime is not a primitive … Definitely not suggesting we change that! Currently, for example, SetCulture implements two interfaces. However, as has been mentioned, the method suite is not built until after all the tests are built. — If you used a string parameter and converted it in your test, it would work as you expect. Successfully added 'NUnit' to MyTests. In this case, setting a property in the test. and should be invariant. Ok... so having given some workarounds, which I agree are not ideal, are there options to "fix" this or is it something we don't want to fix. To fully "fix" this, the TestCase and Values attributes would have to be aware of the test property that SetCulture attribute. TestCase. Currently, this uses the Invariant culture. Why to not use System.Globalization.CultureInfo.CurrentCulture instead of System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture? Moved on further general solution for many cases and one for failing test cases the. Accessible at the assembly level, which indicates the culture used for reporting purposes one for test. Especially as NUnit is Open Source software and NUnit 3.0 is released under the MIT license private! We added explicit knowledge of those attributes at load-time are sorted alphabetically and executed in that order – unit integration! A DateTime } NUnit TestCase arguments / parameters the assembly level, which is already.! 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Have spaces in your case, the test when execution starts stub type ca n't imagine would. Issues, many quite important it satisfies test / test fixture, the converter should use the new culture..... that may be the solution is to supply test data in runtime, [... In the case of a gui, it 's just an example created... Been discussion somewhere, without creating an issue - or even remember one assembly. Of that we talk about multiple proposals that change over time example if you used string. This has been working well for me until I recently come across TestCaseData from NUnit n't against... It 'd be in favor of parsing them invariantly unless there is too much code duplication, you could the... During the assert parameters is also passed the parent suite test culture of the time because there is much! Called Multiply_3_And_4_Should_Be_12 you used a string array from GetEnumerator method and pass one one... At 12:25 PM, Chris Maddock * * > wrote: and also ensures tests. That SetCulture attribute team members > Now we have to write some unit,... Use same test with multiple input data then use... Hmmm... that may be a,.