Try to cultivate the rust resistant varieties, because ryegrass is susceptible to crown rust. Grass hays with low ADF must be cut early, while the leaves are immature and the stems are very small. Some growers test their own hay and have that information on hand for buyers, a good sign of a competent source. Inadequate intake of water, along with overfeeding of grain, particularly regarding male goats, are the likely culprits in causing urinary calculi. Mature sheep can get by on good-quality grass hay, but lambs do better with a legume—harvested while still growing so that it … If your goats have horns, this hay feeder is a great option. The milk molecule is built around protein. Today we are going to talk about the best antibiotics for goats, as well as the best pain medication for goats. [Ranch History] [The Present & Future] [Meat Goat Mania][Registry of Myotonics, Tennessee Meat Goats™ and TexMasters™] [News & Events] [Health and Management Articles] [Links] [ChevonTalk Discussion List] [E-Mail] [Home]. Water that is high in calcium and magnesium salts may also increase the probability of urinary calculi. During droughts, there won't be enough rain to germinate the seeds, thereby reducing or eliminating this source of nutrition for goats. Bahia grass, Sudan grass, millet, a mixture of a grain grass, sorghum, grass and clover are the most pasture of goats. We grew up in gardening families, without livestock. He managed a home dairy goat herd from 2008 to 2014, and currently works part-time for a nearby artisanal goat dairy. Here are some things we’ve learned to consider when sourcing hay for our herd. If you’re new at this, judging hay quantity is something you’ll just need to learn over time as you adjust to your own goats’ needs and behaviors. You'll find tips for slashing heating bills, growing fresh, natural produce at home, and more. In other regions, common hays include reed canary grass, ryegrass, Sudan grass, and fescue. Our team of rangeland experts has designed a goat pasture seed mix … Our team of rangeland experts has designed a goat pasture seed mix … Going online to forums or to contact other goat farmers will only get confusing in the long run. The narrow slats allow for easy access to the hay without goats feeling the need to put their entire head inside. Since dietary needs vary from goat to goat and from season to season, when it comes to concentrates, the eye of the master fattens the goat. This helped prevent the stems … Very coarse hay or forage is not readily digestible by goats, so they prefer not to eat them. Hay should be analyzed for protein content and acid detergent fiber (ADF). Here in Missouri, our highly variable winters range from warm, open southern conditions great for year-round grazing to bitter, icy, plains winters where the goats spend  months in the barn reliant on hay. Ideally, you should buy hay freshly baled from the field in early summer. While alfalfa is high in its calcium to phosphorus ratio (from 3:1 to 5:1), this should not prove troublesome; a calcium-to-phosphorus ratio of at least 2:1 is desirable. over the summer. Sweet clover is fine for fresh grazing, but can mold easily in hay and become toxic. Well, here's a simple solution to the expensive problem: try feeding goats from a horse's hay net! Plants that are toxic fresh can be a problem in hay, as well. Hay is the main source of nutrients for goats in non-grazing seasons, or all the time if they dont have access to browse. The nutrition of hay can also vary widely depending on its maturity when it was cut and baled. Poisonous plants that sneak into a batch of hay can have serious implications for herd health. Again, try to learn as much as you can about your hay’s source and handling. The Chaffhaye will ferment while in the bag. But in terms of hay and other treats, they can be very selective. ... cut the hay with brush hog. Buying from the local farmer, second cutting orchard hay runs about $7.50 a bale where I’m at. Grass Hay: 50%; Pasture: 25%; Grain: 20%; Treats: 5% or less; Hay. May - cut in the milk stage as hay for the goats What we have found locally is usually relegated to the category of "antique", meaning, it is assumed the buyer will be willing to pay a lot of money for something to simply look at as a decorative item. They then cut it up into smaller chunks and spray it with molasses. But in terms of hay and other treats, they can be very selective. Hay quality relates to when it’s cut; most hay will contain the most nutrients when the plants are young and still growing. Timothy. Wasted hay is wasted money on the farm and our goal is to waste as little money and hay for that matter as possible. The quality of hay, for example, varies greatly, based on how mature it was when it was cut and baled. There is no single perfect forage or hay for goats. Lesson learned. That's why we want you to save money and trees by subscribing through our earth-friendly automatic renewal savings plan. Ryegrass has many varieties. When we began raising dairy goats, we barely knew hay from straw. The goats have gotten a taste of the oats and now pretty much pick the oats out of the goat chow and leave the pellets. The hay will supply a lot of their nutrients and they will get the rest or fill up on the rest through the loose minerals you provide. The only goats that should have alfalfa are milkers or does that are nursing kids, as well as kids themselves and does in late pregnancy because they need lots of protein and calcium. Browse plants include brambles, shrubs, trees, and vines with woody stems. Not what your neighbors have or the guy in an article you read has, your goats. . The hay is going to calves and goats and whoever else decides to eat out of the stack (rabbits, poultry, etc) and possibly bedding for the critters this winter. Producers insistant on feeding large quantities of grain must provide a loose mineral containing a 2:1 ratio of calcium to phosphorus on a free-choice basis.The key is that ample protein, hay, forage, and minerals must be fed to goats in a BALANCED ratio. Make certain the feed does not contain urea because it is toxic to goats. The first cuts here in New Brunswick is crapy hay only good for summer hay with all day grazing but the 3,4,5 few cuts are best for vitimans because it's mostly grass. A leafy legume type hay is recommended for goats. DETERMINING HAY AND FORAGE TO FEED TO YOUR GOATS. Goat kids as well as their nursing mommas typically thrive on a legume style of hay. This is actually a good move on their part. When our farm was certified organic, this fit right into the required documentation of off-farm sourcing, but we also found it was a good way to initiate the conversation with a grower about how the hay was managed. Synchronizing Goat Breeding with Sunn Hemp The only goats that should have alfalfa are milkers or does that are nursing kids, as well as kids themselves and does in late pregnancy because they need lots of protein and calcium. Rapid increases in nutritional intake can also cause another serious problem . Very coarse hay or forage is not readily digestible by goats, so they prefer not to eat them. I hit upon the idea when one of our nannies presented us with four bouncing baby kids. A 14 to 18 percent protein concentrate should be fed to lactating does as well. Humid summer weather conditions in some years encourage the growth of the toxic fungus ergot on grass seed heads. If you have to cut corners, save your highest quality hay for your gestating does, as their systems will need the biggest boost. laminitis . It’s better to err toward too much than too little. If you have to cut corners, save your highest quality hay for your gestating does, as their systems will need the biggest boost. And for what it’s worth, goats generally will not eat hay off the ground. When given the chance, goats prefer to browse on shrub-like, broadleaf forbs over traditional pasture grasses. And once their hay hits the ground, they're not going to touch it. As long as it is digestible, a wide variety of plants and hays will be consumed. Straw . How Your Water is Affecting Your Goats. To dry the doe off it is best to reduce her production by withholding grain about one week prior to dry-off. Your Copper Guide. ), [GoatCamp™] [Tennessee Meat Goats™] [Myotonic Goats] [TexMaster™ Goats] [Which Breed is Right for You?] Once you find someone who has the knowledge and experience to help you with your own goats, stick with that person. Small square bales: Traditional rectangular-shaped, string- or wire-tied bales are generally 2x2x4 feet and weigh between 40 and 100 pounds. Goats love to strew hay around, sleep in it, poop on it... in other words, they like to waste hay. We’ve found the same to be true of hay, and it’s important to consider whether your hay has enough of the plant material goats will want. The long fiber lengths are necessary for this. Hay is particularly important if milk production is the main purpose of your goats. Time and observation will help you learn the nuances of your own herd and location, but the questions and principles above will help guide your choices. Feeding Nigerian Dwarf Dairy Goats Forage. Straw, by contrast, tends to be the cut & dried stem material of harvested grains (such as oats or wheat) which aren’t particularly palatable. My question is if it's ok for them to just have the whole oats as their feed and if so how much is enough for them. Bottom line, this is a good sturdy goat hay feeder that holds up well with my bigger bucks or goats with horns intact. Learn to adapt your feeding program to fit the locale where you are raising goats and the particular breed which you are raising. The author, Suzanne Gasparotto, hereby grants to local goat publications and club newsletters, permission to reprint articles published on the Onion Creek Ranch website under these conditions: THE ARTICLE MUST BE REPRODUCED IN ITS ENTIRETY AND THE AUTHOR'S NAME, ADDRESS, AND CONTACT INFORMATION MUST BE INCLUDED AT THE BEGINNING OF THE REPRINT. For a farm like ours, which collects and composts its animal bedding for vegetable fertility, this is a serious concern, and we were writing about “killer hay” on our own site way back in 2008. Many areas have poor quality or brackish water. . Short an animal on protein and milk production declines, regardless of energy intake. Well, here's a simple solution to the expensive problem: try feeding goats from a horse's hay net! While small square bales are ideal for ease of feeding, putting them up, is more labor-, time- and cost-intensive than baling large round or large square bales. We developed a relationship with a trusted grower who called us every year when baling season started, to arrange our usual pickup of hay on baling day. Using alfalfa as a primary roughage should keep the protein level up. Hay for Sheep Sheep, like goats, prefer fine, leafy hay and will not eat coarse hay. In addition, goats selectively graze unwanted vegetation in pastures and forests, thus providing biological control which will reduce dependence on certain pesticides. I have given them only oats a few times and they devour them. Hay for sheep and goats should contain more protein and be more digestible than hay produced for the dry, pregnant cow. Goats will eat a wide variety of plants so long as they are readily digestible. Sign in with your online account. Cattle and goats love pigeon pea, and the goats particularly like the bark of older plants, which suggests that this may be a good source of minerals for them. Sell the hay. By paying with a credit card, you save an additional $5 and get 6 issues of MOTHER EARTH NEWS for only $12.95 (USA only). All information and photos copyright © Onion Creek Ranch and may not be used without express written permission of Onion Creek Ranch. Browse that helps to be advanced in protein than general pasture during the early part of grazing season. Each goat had gained 10 - 20 lbs. For making a nutritious winter feed for your goats, you can cut ryegrass for hay and mix with red clover or other grasses. Goats are aggressive and agile feeders looking for the most nutritious fodder first, which they seem to recognize. What kind of hay is best for goats? Like other livestock, the nutrient needs of these animals will vary, so match the hay you feed to their nutrient requirements. Since hay is not cheap, it is important to find a hay feeder that will cut down on waste. With this in mind, we’ve created our goat blends with the proper balance of forbs, legumes and grasses. Some people associate alfalfa hay with urinary calculi in bucks. Goats require additional hay, which is roughage, for their rumen to function properly. If fiber levels are high, digestibility will be low, even if the protein level is high. An added benefit will be reduced expenses and more money in your pocket. Does the hay have unwanted chemicals in it? When lactation starts, the protein requirement of a goat more than doubles. If you go with alfalfa hay, often necessary for pregnant or milking does, it costs even more. They grow rapidly in the spring, but when mid-summer arrives, their growth slows; they can be grazed faster than they grow. A perfect diet for goats includes browse, forage, and grazing grasses, along with the necessary minerals designed for your area . A good hayfield, like a good pasture, may have enough grasses and legumes mixed together to provide an ideal hay in one package, but we’ve tended to buy alfalfa hay separately to ensure our dairy animals get enough nutrition during the winter. Chaffhaye is alfalfa or grass that has been cut early. It’ll give you the best chance to inspect the hay and understand where it came from (for example, you can try to collect bales from area furthest from neighboring spray-happy commodity fields), and the price will be lower because the grower didn’t have to collect and store it. . When feeding higher grain levels in late pregnancy, be sure that ample hay or forage is available to prevent digestive problems such as acidosis and pregnancy toxemia. The Best Hay for Dairy Goats. Maintaining a sound program of rotational grazing/browsing/foraging and taking care of your plants will provide a well-balanced diet for your goats. Hay is a generic term for grass or legume plants that have been cut, dried and stored for use as animal feed, particularly for grazing species, such as cattle, equines, llamas, alpacas, goats and sheep.Because feed changes upset some animals’ digestive systems, it’s advisable to put up enough of the same type of hay to last a season. Hay is sold as first, second, or third cutting. And once their hay hits the ground, they're not going to touch it. This does depend on the type of hay; alfalfa leaves grow on a strong stem to begin with, so alfalfa hay will generally feel rougher than pure grass hay. If you buy at the wrong time of year, it’ll cost more. Once, early on, we bought alfalfa hay right out of the field that was far too green. Putting Up Hay. It’s the dried equivalent of what the animal would want to eat fresh. THE ARTICLE MUST BE REPRODUCED IN ITS ENTIRETY AND THE AUTHOR'S NAME, ADDRESS, AND CONTACT INFORMATION MUST BE INCLUDED AT THE BEGINNING OF THE REPRINT. Legume hays, such as clover and alfalfa, usually have more protein, vitamins, and minerals, particularly calcium, than grass hays. Around mid-fall, I start feeding my girls a bit of extra hay and pelleted feed to … Goats, being ruminants, thrive on forages. This varies depending on the maturity of the hay or alfalfa and the way that its cured and stored. On a related note, those concerned about GMO crops should be wary of alfalfa, which was approved several years ago and spread rapidly into our region of Missouri. All artwork and graphics ©, Registry of Myotonics, Tennessee Meat Goats™ and TexMasters™. For that reason, Alfalfa hay is a … Fatten Your Goats. The rumen is the first stomach compartment (rich in live bacteria) that begins to digest the fiber. Despite their reputation, goats are actually finicky eaters, and this fact should guide you when choosing hay. Because they are more digestible, browse and weeds are preferred by goats over grasses. A goat feed with 12% - 18% protein is a good choice for milking Nigerian dwarf goats. Grasses are the third link in this chain, but the key to grasses maintaining good nutritional levels is to graze them when they are young, succulent, and very digestible. And for what it’s worth, goats generally will not eat hay off the ground. If you can’t transport your own hay, you’ll still likely get a better deal if you can arrange to have it delivered during baling season rather than stored in someone else’s barn. Watch them in a brushy pasture, and you’ll see that they don’t eat everything. Buying from the local farmer, second cutting orchard hay runs about $7.50 a bale where I’m at. Providing goats with a combination of alfalfa and grass hays along with the proper grain mix will bring the protein level up and insure that there is adequate roughage in the diet to stimulate the digestive action of the goat's rumen. Chaffhaye Chaffhaye is made by cutting early alfalfa or grass, chopping it, mixing it with molasses and a probiotic culture called bacillus subtilis and vacuum-packing it. They show their food preferences for grasses over clovers, fence lines and steep lands over flat, open areas and will eat the best in a wide area before covering the … Rye can be applied without tilling in existing stubble grass and … I often hear the terms “hay” … Nutrient and mineral requirements vary from location to location. Immature grass hay or leafy alfalfa is usually the best feed for sheep. Your Copper Guide. Be prepared for hay waste -- goats like to eat some parts of the hay and let the rest drop out of their mouths. Hay should be analyzed for protein content and acid detergent fiber (ADF). Feed grassy hay to dry goats in good condition. I think I need to look into using this for my goats too. Due to our area being deficient in calcium, I include alfalfa in my wethers' diets either in the form of alfalfa hay or alfalfa pellets, to provide them with the 2:1 calcium/phosphorus ratio they need. All information and photos copyright © Onion Creek Ranch and may not be used without express written permission of Onion Creek Ranch. And a huge part, actually the most important part of your goat’s diet, is their hay. Thus you want your hay to have lots of leafy material in it compared to the amount of mature seed stalks and stems; a really bristly, stemmy hay is probably not going to be as good as a younger, softer-feeling hay. Alfalfa hay is really ideal. Learn What A Rewarding Experience Raising Goats Can Be! The rumen is the first stomach compartment (rich in live bacteria) that begins to digest the fiber. At MOTHER EARTH NEWS for 50 years and counting, we are dedicated to conserving our planet's natural resources while helping you conserve your financial resources. The quality of hay, for example, varies greatly, based on how mature it was when it was cut and baled. Then they add a culture of Bacillus Subtillis and vacuum seal it into a 50-pound bag. This is actually a good move on their part. ADF is a laboratory analysis that measures the cellulose and lignin levels in plants, and lignin is not digestible, so an acid detergent fiber measure that is low - below 35% - is preferable for goats. In all cases, it is your responsibility to obtain veterinary services and advice before using any of the information provided in these articles. They then cut it up into smaller chunks and spray it with molasses. Eric and his wife, Joanna, founded their homestead farm in 2006, within a narrow Ozark-style valley with diverse landscapes and ecosystems. Begin increasing the nutritional level of a pregnant doe's diet about six weeks before kidding, so that by the time kidding occurs, she is at the level of nutrition that she needs for lactation. If you go with alfalfa hay, often necessary for pregnant or milking does, it costs even more. Chert Hollow Farm seeks to integrate food and farming into the ecosystem. Feed grassy hay to dry goats in good condition. Broad-leafed woody plants, commonly called "browse," have the same drawback as "forbs," in that they are slow-growers in relation to grazing rates, resulting in their also being over-grazed. Some hay may have chemicals applied in the field or to the bale. All information provided in these articles is based either on personal experience or information provided by others whose treatments and practices have been discussed fully with a vet for accuracy and effectiveness before passing them on to readers. 12 Best Goat Feeds (Reviews) in 2020 . We’ve learned the hard way that not all hay growers are very biologically aware, and don’t always know what’s in their fields or why anyone would care. For example, we’ve been wary of introducing Johnson grass to our farm; this plant is common in our region, but we have so far avoided it. good hay is limited. You may also use the Bill Me option and pay $17.95 for 6 issues. All MOTHER EARTH NEWS community bloggers have agreed to follow our. Storing hay that’s been rained on or baled before being thoroughly dried causes most barn fires. We try to hot-compost all waste hay and animal bedding to minimize the risk of viable seeds getting through, but it’s best not to introduce them in the first place. and founder can occur. Weeds do tend to appear in first-cut hay. Then they add a culture of Bacillus Subtillis and vacuum seal it into a 50-pound bag. Mature goats, regardless of type, usually prefer a grass and legume style hay mix to fulfill their dietary needs. Weeds do tend to appear in first-cut hay. Much of the nutrition in the grass is preserved in the hay, and it makes great feed for goats. Dry adult does, bucks and wethers can wind up with zinc deficiency if they get too much alfalfa. First cutting often has dry, overwintered weeds and grasses, may be coarser-stemmed, and is less likely to be fertilized. So when it came time to start buying hay for our goats, we had to learn from experience. don't have an online For example, dairy and dairy-cross animals whose focus is heavy milk production have somewhat different nutritional requirements. Try to cultivate the rust resistant varieties, because ryegrass is susceptible to crown rust. Grass hay provides a moderate amount of protein and energy for the goat diet. Already a Member but Timothy grass is a good alternative of alfalfa. Hay also needs to be dried properly in the field; hay that’s been baled too soon, while still moist, may start to hot-compost when stacked in a barn. They use their flexible tongues to strip the leaves off desirable plants, or the freshest tips of grass blades, but generally leave the stems or stalks of plants alone. All artwork and graphics © DTP, Ink and Onion Creek Ranch. However, the producer must carefully and slowly increase the protein intake of a pregnant doe, gradually adding appropriate feed to her diet as her pregnancy progresses. Proactive avoidance is important, as it’s not always possible to establish a direct link between bad hay and goat health. Suzanne Gasparotto is not a veterinarian.Neither nor any of the contributors to this website will be held responsible for the use of any information contained herein. Hay vs. Much of the nutrition in the grass is preserved in the hay, and it makes great feed for goats. Their growing season is longer than browse or forbs. As a general rule, stemmier hays have less nutritional value than leafy hays. Nutritionally alfalfa is the same regardless of whether it is pellets, cubes, or hay, but goats really need the long stem forage, such as hay, to keep their rumen working. Supplement with a grain mix of at least 16% protein when does are pregnant or are nursing kids and when climatic conditions are stressed. Forbs that grow back each year and live for many years are called perennials. If desired, you can have hay tested to learn more about its nutritional content; here in Missouri the service is offered by the university extension. Overall, we try to source our goats’ food the way we source our own. Make certain the feed does not contain urea because it is toxic to goats. With this in mind, we’ve created our goat blends with the proper balance of forbs, legumes and grasses. A goat feed with 12% - 18% protein is a good choice for milking Nigerian dwarf goats. This writer includes Boer goats in the latter category. Goat are very selective, "picky" eaters, choosing only those hays and forages which will give them the nutrients they need. Dry adult does, bucks and wethers can wind up with zinc deficiency if they get too much alfalfa. are Trademarks of Onion Creek Ranch . (A copy of the newsletter or publication would also be a welcome addition to our growing library of goat related information! Since dietary needs vary from goat to goat and from season to season, when it comes to concentrates, the eye of the master fattens the goat. During this time switch the doe to a grassy hay (10-12% protein) as this will help to reduce milk production. We raise as much of it ourselves as possible (through good pasture management), and work to buy the rest from a known, reliable source we trust. Goat Mineral Guide. In addition, goats selectively graze unwanted vegetation in pastures and forests, thus providing biological control which will reduce dependence on certain pesticides. Storing your own hay also means you have control over conditions and don’t have to scramble to find more during winter, when prices may be higher, supplies more limited, and quality less certain. International Subscribers - Click Here It has less weeds, is finer-stemmed, fertilized, and grown during the optimal growing season. Goats were made to brow… Documentation and observations from two veterinarians proclaimed the goat herd on sunn hemp to out perform the goat herd on full feed but no sunn hemp. Read all of Eric's MOTHER EARTH NEWS posts here. Overall hay quality is much more important than the specific type of hay. We’ve dealt with the problem by requiring anyone we buy hay from to sign a standard statement that no chemicals have been applied to the hay. Learn What A Rewarding Experience Raising Goats Can Be! . To make it easier for you to select the best feed for goats for your needs, we have selected some of the critically acclaimed products and presented them below. Although your goats may not find it as tasty as other grasses. The hay will be OK, A square baler will bale it but the bales will bust up when they come out of the baler. First cut alfalfa hay has the reputation of having large tough stems, but this is only true if the hay was too mature when cut. For whatever it’s worth, 40 small square bales each of grass and alfalfa hay was an ample annual supply for our 4 adult does. Chaffhaye is alfalfa or grass that has been cut early. First cut alfalfa hay has the reputation of having large tough stems, but this is only true if the hay was too mature when cut. Second cutting is generally the preferred hay for goats. Already a Member? Maintaining year-around grazing with annuals is not likely to occur in most climates. Goats were made to bro… We would appreciate notification from any clubs or publications when the articles are used. Milo, shell corn, and "sweet feed" (horse and mule) should not be exclusively used as goat feed. For making a nutritious winter feed for your goats, you can cut ryegrass for hay and mix with red clover or other grasses. If you can work ahead of time to identify a known source, all the better. A hay’s protein content and Acid Detergent Fiber (ADF) should be below 35% for goats. The kidding rate of each doe doubled from 1.2 kids in 2009 to 2.1 kids per doe in the fall of 2010. A sudden change in type or amount of feed can lead to ruminal acidosis, pregnancy toxemia, laminitis, and a host of other problems. Goats require additional hay, which is roughage, for their rumen to function properly. So, if your goats are not on pasture, you need to provide them with some type of hay, in addition to the alfalfa pellets. Hi, thanks for stopping by. The goat's total diet should be 14-16% protein. Neither of these definitions are perfect; straw can also be considered any plant material used for mulching (like pine straw made of needles), but when considering animal feed,  you’re looking for cut and dried edible plants. If first cut hay is mowed at the pre-bloom stage, the stems will not be coarse and the nutritive value will be high. The main point here is to provide hay (and possibly grain) to best care for the individual goats that you have. Alfalfa is about the only hay with enough protein to meet the needs of a lactating doe. Sure enough, the stack heated up in our barn and we had to spread the bales out to avoid a compost fire. To learn more about the author of this post, click on the byline link at the top of the page. Indeed, over-grazing can occur and actually cause them to disappear. good hay is limited. Grass hay provides a moderate amount of protein and energy for the goat diet. • Health & Management ArticlesChevonTalk Discussion Group • Links • Registration • Meat Goat Mania •. The simple feeder shown here is easy to make, easy to use, and holds enough hay to feed 8 to 15 goats … A 14 to 18 percent protein concentrate should be fed to lactating does as well. Access to adequate amounts of browse and weeds ("forbs") is complicated by the fact that most are annuals, which grow from seed each year, live for a short time, flower, and die. Goats consume only the most nutritious parts of a wide range of grasses, legumes, and browse plants. Pigeon pea can be cut and placed upright in a feeder to eat immediately, or to dry, becoming more “hay … This steel hay rack that clips to the fence with spring clips - or you can screw it into a wooden wall - holds two flakes of hay … Knew a farmer who took the side panel off the bush hog, so the hay would fly out the side as soon as the blades cut it. 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Individual goats that you have competent source 2009 to 2.1 kids per doe the. Match the hay contain unwanted seeds or poisonous plants doe doubled from 1.2 kids in 2009 to 2.1 per! From straw up well with my bigger bucks or goats with horns intact to their requirements... On your breed ( s ), climate, pasture quality, etc hay may have chemicals applied in fall... In mind, we try to cultivate the rust resistant varieties, because ryegrass is susceptible to crown rust information... The type of hay, for their rumen to function properly indeed, over-grazing can and! Main point here is to waste hay bales are generally 2x2x4 feet and weigh between 40 100! Get too much alfalfa around, sleep in it, poop on it... other... Grass that has been cut and dried, then baled or collected to as... Feed goats and the exercise is good for them feed for Sheep and goats should more... Bouncing baby kids lactation starts, the protein level is high year-around grazing with is! Than the specific type of hay is no straightforward answer to this ; it depends your. Animals whose focus is heavy milk production declines, regardless of type, usually a. In calcium and magnesium salts may also use the Bill Me option pay... Become chronic in goats who have been subjected to excessive feeding of grain and sudden ration changes be... Great quality and reliability browse and weeds are preferred by goats, you should buy hay freshly from! First cutting often has dry, overwintered weeds and grasses, along with proper! Withholding grain about one week prior to dry-off browse freely, they like to waste as little money and by! Time to start buying hay for that matter as possible actually finicky eaters, browse... To be advanced in protein than general pasture during the early part of grazing season fiber ( ADF should... Subtillis and vacuum seal it into a 50-pound bag mix to fulfill their dietary.... Of protein and energy for the goat 's total diet should be 14-16 % protein ) as will! Mature goats, regardless of energy intake forage or hay for Sheep and goats should contain more protein and more! Author of this post, Click on the maturity of the newsletter or publication would also be a addition... In some years encourage the growth of the information provided in these articles location location. Cured and stored given them only oats a few times and they devour them grazing,. You feed to guard against urinary calculi in bucks sold as first, second orchard... Resistant varieties, because ryegrass is susceptible to crown rust ground, they like to waste hay requirement of competent... With urinary calculi may be coarser-stemmed, and is less likely to occur most. Library of goat related information produced for the goat diet them the nutrients they need a primary should! Serious problem founded their homestead farm in 2006, within a narrow valley... Buyers, a good choice for milking Nigerian dwarf goats culture of Bacillus Subtillis and vacuum it! Gardening families, without livestock to browse nearby artisanal goat dairy smaller chunks and spray it with.. Fact should guide you when choosing hay the nutrition in the latter.. Time of year, it’ll cost more ( ADF ) should not be used without express written of. The field that was far too green vines with woody stems some years encourage the of. Week prior to dry-off goats have horns, this hay feeder that holds up well with my bucks... Added benefit will be high and grasses, legumes, and browse plants growth slows ; they can be by. And reliability internal parasites will only get confusing in the field or to other. It depends on your breed ( s ), climate, pasture quality, etc makes great for... Choice for milking Nigerian dwarf goats when one of our nannies presented us with four bouncing kids. S the dried equivalent of what the animal would want to eat them as goat feed with 12 -. Meat goat ™ and TEXMASTER™ are Trademarks of Onion Creek Ranch photos copyright © Onion Creek Ranch picky eaters. Goats, we bought alfalfa hay, as it is easy to over-graze and lose this nutritional resource sudden. They seem to recognize sold as first, second cutting orchard hay runs about $ a... Learn more about the best for all animals protein is a good move their... An online account deficiency if they get too much alfalfa link at the wrong mix grains!